Hope you had a wonderful December and a Merry Christmas! We had a rough month with COVID but we are all doing so much better. We are beyond thankful for all your prayers, messages and cards while we were sick. It always makes my heart so happy when I receive Happy Mail!
Here is our gang on Christmas Eve, Rebecka had matching shirts made for all of us. We are all a little pale still but we had a great day together and we managed a picture with everyone’s eyes open and no arguments!! Woohoo! Best gift ever!! ***Side note: Alissa is fine. She is wearing the adorable beanie because COVID & Autism are a bad combination, lol. Apparently she got too hot one night while we were all sick. She stole my purse while we slept, used my key to get into my office and swiped my scissors. Yep, she basically shaved her head, lol. No injury, just bald! And of course now her head is too cold now, lol! On a positive note she cleaned up all the hair. I seriously can’t make this stuff up! 🙂

Here are a Few more Christmas Cards we wanted to share with you!

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