Holy cow December was insane! Our whole house got COVID. At first we thought I was just having issues due to my Asthma and Lung issues. I had missed a couple of days of my inhaler, so I called my doctors and they both agreed it was from missing my inhaler. I picked up a new one and I started to get better, no biggie. So I thought! The cough was constant and I was so out of breathe constantly. I couldn’t even talk without gasping. Then late one evening I realized I couldn’t taste! Ugh! I called Rebecka (our oldest) and told her and she said, “Are you sure?” “Mom, do you have a lemon, try a lemon”. I had lemon juice.. I poured it in my hand and tasted it , and Nothing! So, of course I tried it again, still nothing.
Dang it, I have COVID!
That night Nathan and Chuck woke with fevers, and Alissa was cranky. On Monday we all went to get tested, and one by one the calls came in , “positive, positive …” After tracking we think Rebecka’s boyfriend is patient Zero, lol. He was exposed at work. He never got as bad as we did. Just thought his allergies were acting up. We have never been this sick before. Then you throw in Autism to the mix, Yikes!
Today is the first day I have felt well enough to do some class prep. But it was exhausting! I tell you all of this to say we received some amazing Christmas cards, a thinking of you, and Chuck got a birthday card from our Stampin’ friends. Thank you so much for thinking of us! We didn’t even get packages mailed to our parents yet! Here are some of the awesome cards we received… Come back to see more on Thursday.

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