Hello crafty friends! We didn’t have Spontaneous Sunday Stamping last night because we were celebrating Alissa’s High School Graduation. We had a wonderful evening with family, we were missing Nathan, Kelsey & Stephen as Nathan had to work. Mitch’s parents joined us too, we had a great time getitng to know them more!
Rebecka wanted a fun way to give Alissa money so she found this great money box kit on Amazon, here is the link . Alissa loves rainbows and sprinkles, I think Rebecka nailed it with this cake. (see video at bottom of post)
Alissa did not break her arm. She has a Tricep Tear! She will start physical therapy this week and hopefully avoid surgery. The doctor said these are rare and typically happen to body builders. He thinks she may have had an intense seizure in her sleep, so she will be having a 3 day EEG soon too. She hurts and just doesn’t understand why she has to use her arm when using it makes it hurt more. ugh.. Poor girl!

Hope you enjoy this quick video. I love the smile on both of their faces when Alissa starts pulling the money out.
Thank you for stopping by today! If you need anything please fell free to message me.

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